Sometimes hours of searching online catalogs and poring over etsy and ebay doesn't uncover the perfect item so well as just simple good old fashioned thrifting.
Dress: $8, belt: $4?*, shoes: $7
Total: $19ish
*(The belt was on clearance in a set with this shirt. )
When I had Jack, I didn't buy any nursing shirts, just a few tunics with drawstring or smocked necklines. I didn't end up wearing them very much, and I thought it would sure be nice to have something better this go round. Button up shirts with traditional collars don't generally look very good on me, so I began the quest for shirtdresses, preferably ones with cute collars.
I found some really nice ones at various places around the internet, but my grail of a nursing dress was hanging around at goodwill waiting for a loving home. Nice sturdy fabric, the perfect collar, cute sleeves, a not-too-low-but-not-too-high neckline, pockets big enough for my cell phone, and a cut that somehow manages to flatter a newly postpartum belly. Oh, and did I mention the color? My husband loves it, my baby loves it, I love it, and the budget loves it as well.
I love that you found such an adorable dress at my favorite store Goodwill!! Slowly but surely my entire closet is being taken over by amazing Goodwill finds!