
a challenge to enjoy dressing a pregnant or postpartum belly
(without sobbing in every maternity store in town)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Same clothes, different look

For me, part of having a budget efficient wardrobe is having versatile clothes. Not stuff that can be worn multiple ways so much as stuff that can be worn on multiple versions of me. You know, regular me, massive pregnant me, and baby's personal milk cow me. I'm in that last stage right now, and I'm a little better prepared this time than I was last time. I made sure ahead of time to incorporate a lot more button-up items into my closet.

The ruffled blouse was thrifted for $5. The stripey tank and knit skirt (which both made appearances in my maternity wardrobe) were Old Navy clearance items at $4 each. My earrings were all gifted, but the necklace is a commissioned custom work for $20.

Between the three of us, we covered most of the options for cheap shopping. Jack's shirt was bought off an online garage sale for $3 (I've discovered that Thomas is so popular that pretty much every garage sale with kids' stuff will have him around somewhere). Dominic's footy is a hand-me-down from Jack, but it originally came from Nordstrom Rack. After working at a children's boutique, I developed a bit of a fondness for adorable and super-soft Kissy Kissy baby outfits, but I never fell in love with the prices. For $13, about the same price as just a tiny hat in the same print at Nordstrom not-Rack, I found this frog footy with matching jacket.

So all of us are dressed for under $50... under $30 if you don't count the necklace (which I wouldn't, since I'm not counting my VS underthings or the boys' cloth diapers either). We cut some corners around the house, but I promise that we are not so frugal that we don't wear shoes or put pants on Jack when we go out in public. Heheh.


  1. Love that you all are dressed gorgeous, but you would never know you were so thrifty!

    p.s. My boy wishes I didn't put nappies on him!

  2. Such a cute look! Your little ones are adorable.
    Thanks for the sweet comment. :) My Munchkin loves to jump in the pics at the last minute. :) Little ones are such a blessing.
